7 Ideas for Your Next Facebook Live

by | Oct 8, 2019 | Facebook, Social Media, Video

It’s daunting to come up with different content every time you have to churn out a blog post or post on Facebook or write a caption or go Live. So we’ve figured out how to help you with that.

Facebook Live stats are higher than any other videos stats, because Facebook has a tendency to play favorites. They want everyone to see their stuff, so if you have the opportunity to go Live, more people will see it as opposed to a regular video. It’s going to be put in front of more people, even after the Live is over. So here are seven ideas to help you get the most out of Facebook Live.

Tell a story

Ideally, you want to tell your own story. Tell a story about how you got started, your biggest mistakes or why you’re in the industry. Any kind of storytelling is very compelling for end users.

Storytelling helps set up your brand and establish that relationship with your audience so they feel like they know you better. That goes a long way for the know, like, trust factor, which is huge. A lot of this content can come directly from your followers by asking them questions.

Answer a question

How-tos and training are huge. How you should do this or why you should do that are all big. Make sure your audience knows things they should or shouldn’t do in your industry.

People do a lot of searching for how-tos. If you can train or educate, that’s major. And you get that from your end user – what are they asking? What do they want to know? Ask them what they want to know. Think about the last five questions you’ve been asked. How do your clients relate to this topic and how can you share it with them? I get some of my best topics and lead generators from questions our clients ask.

Interview someone

I love interviews. It could be a client, a friendly vendor, a teammate, a local business owner. You have to establish your expertise and interviews are great ways to do it. Interviewing your teammates: if you have people that work in the office with you, ask them their behind-the-scenes questions or get them to tell their story.

Red Mountain Insurance owner Brian Campbell has a series called Homegrown where he goes into the community and interviews businesses – it’s awesome. It’s not promotional at all; it’s all about the community. How cool is that? It’s nice to pull someone else in. Plus, you get their viewers, too, which is always good.

Review a product

For me that would be a technical tip. For others it might be the best paint to use if you’re getting ready to sell your house. It could be something you use for your own personal use – just be careful to stay on brand.

For instance, you might see me do a review for tea, because I drink tea, I talk about it all the time, and that’s very much a part of our brand. But you would never see me do a review for a hair product – that’s just not part of my brand or who I am. Make sure you stay in your lane.

Make an announcement

Tell people what’s going on in your industry and in your neighborhood. When Instagram makes major announcement, that’s big information for me to share with my audience. Talk about what’s going on in your neighborhood: it’s back-to-school time or a first Friday festival.

If your office is moving or you’ve just gained a new team member or you’re offering a new service, make sure you’re telling people about it. Those major announcements make a big splash.

Host a contest or giveaway

Contests are awesome. Any kind of contest or product giveaway always works well on Facebook when you integrate it with your content as well as your video.

If you have a one- or two-minute video, you might say, “Answer the question at the end of this video for a chance to win a gift card.” Especially if it’s a gift card to a local business, that always works well. Do something where they have to watch the video so you’re really moving yourself forward.

Actually promote your business

You can actually promote your business sometimes. I know that sounds crazy to say out loud. You do want to follow the 80/20 rule: about 80 percent of the time, you want to educate, inform and entertain; the other 20 percent is totally OK to tell folks that you work for a living, that you’re interested in their referrals, that you can help them, that you absolutely want their business.

It is more than OK to have an entire video telling your audience about your services and how you can help them. I still get that glassy-eyed look when people ask what we do and I say social media and digital marketing. I need to make sure they’re better informed. You can absolutely tell people what you do.

Facebook Live isn’t all about selling – even though that’s great. It’s about establishing your community and creating the know, like, trust factor so when they’re ready for your service they know to come directly to you. Be sure you’re greeting anybody by name who jumps in. It’s more personal and they’re more likely to interact with you and stay around in the video longer if you call them by name.



  1. How to Love Your Clients - Social U - […] with them is a great way to connect with them. You can share information with them by doing a…

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