AI For The Win! Why We Love Smart Solutions

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Business Tips, Social Media, Tool and Apps, Uncategorized

In today’s digital world, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our social media experience. Every social media platform utilizes some form of AI to function, dictating what content surfaces first in our feeds, moderating comments and content to improve the user experience, and suggesting accounts and content we might like. As a business owner, understanding and leveraging AI can be crucial for uncovering insights about your audience, predicting which types of content will perform best, and ultimately improving your overall social media marketing efforts.

However, navigating the world of Artificial Intelligence can be challenging, as you need to cater to both human end users and the AI algorithms that determine what content gets prioritized. It’s like playing a game of darts, trying to guess what the AI will measure and target the most. But fear not! We’re here to introduce you to the top five AI tools that can help streamline your social media efforts and make the process smoother and more efficient.



Arguably the most popular AI tool, ChatGPT has been around for a while and has gained a lot of attention. It offers a free version as well as a paid version that costs either $20 or $25 per month, depending on whether you’re an individual or a team. The free version is an excellent starting point for you to experiment and get familiar with how it works. Several members of our team use the paid version and love it. It gives them access to more information, is significantly faster, has access to newer features, and integrates with tools for creating specific items like graphics and logos. If you want to dip your toes into the world of AI, ChatGPT is a great place to start, and we highly recommend checking out the paid version if you’re ready to take things to the next level.


Bard (Google Gemini):

While less well-known than ChatGPT, Bard (now called Google Gemini) is Google’s version of ChatGPT and, in our opinion, much more functional. The key difference is that while ChatGPT (especially the free version) is only accurate up to two years ago, Gemini is integrated with Google’s search engine and is up-to-date with the most recent information. It’s also entirely free, as Google is still testing and refining the tool. Gemini provides a fantastic opportunity for you to gain experience with AI before diving into more complex tools.



Claude offers a free version as well as a $20 per month paid version. It focuses on safety and reliability, helping you understand and maintain context throughout your entire conversation. Claude is a bit more up-to-date than some other tools, and it’s known for providing more fluid and conversational responses that sound more like a real person. Our team enjoys using Claude, and it’s a tool we would definitely recommend.



Flick is a social media assistant that helps speed up the brainstorming, writing, and planning process for your content. With a free version and paid plans ranging from $13 to $55 per month, Flick can help you generate original and engaging content ideas based on your topics within seconds. It also provides analytics, hashtag research, and scheduling capabilities (though we recommend using the native scheduling tools within each platform, as some platforms are still particular about third-party scheduling tools). Flick is a robust tool, but it does come with a cost that may not fit every small business’s budget. However, it’s worth checking out if you’re looking for a comprehensive solution.



Quillbot is a free tool (with a $19 per month paid option) that excels at repurposing social media content. It enables you to summarize or paraphrase existing content into a brand new version, retaining more of the original context and understandable language than some other AI tools. Quillbot also has vocabulary enhancement capabilities, ensuring that the repurposed content uses terminology and phrases specific to your industry, making it more relatable and understandable for your audience.


AI is a Necessity 

As a business owner in today’s world, embracing AI is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. AI is deeply integrated into every aspect of our online experience, from the algorithms that power social media feeds to the chatbots we encounter on websites. Figuring out how to use AI for good and to benefit your company is crucial. These top five tools offer a great starting point for those who are new to Artificial Intelligence and want to gain experience with these powerful technologies.

Remember, AI is not going away anytime soon. The algorithms are constantly evolving, feeding us new information and shaping our online experiences. By leveraging these AI tools, you can stay ahead of the curve and create a more streamlined, efficient, and effective social media marketing strategy.


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